You asked for it, and we heard you! We took our best-loved bees and made them red with black spots. Voila! Ladybugs! Perfect for spring.
We are pleased to announce that 10% of the sales of our bees and ladybugs will now go to fund The Glass Bee Fellowship, a summer fellowship made available through the Coastal Fellows program for an undergraduate student at The University of Rhode Island. While our bees have helped fund bee education for years, this step keeps our funding closer to home, where Rhode Island’s own native bees can benefit. This year, the fellowship will fund an undergraduate student who will help Research Assistant Casey Johnson and masters degree candidate Julia Vieira, both former Coastal Fellows, in a summer survey of bees at sites across Rhode Island. The student will be trained in identifying different bees and plants in bloom and will help analyze collected data. The study will focus on the importance of several plants to Bombus fervidus, a bumble bee that is in decline and is currently listed as vulnerable. The Glass Station will be raising funds for the fellowship yearly, awarding it in May.
You can donate directly to the fellowship here